Wade Family Foundation
The mission of the Wade Family Foundation is to carry on the legacy of Stephen and Marcia Wade’s commitment to Southern Utah by providing funding and resources to non-profit organizations that contribute to quality of life and the thriving spirit in our community.

Wade Family Mission
Stephen and Marcia have become stalwart supporters of education, military sacrifice, health care initiatives, art programs, combating homelessness, and protecting vulnerable members of our community. They have donated countless hours of service, while pulling together their resources to assist municipalities, businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. Stephen and Marcia are passionate about investing in their community and strive to assist non-profit organizations that work continually to improve quality of life for residents in Southern Utah.
Upcoming Events
Wade Family Values
- Education
- Health Care
- Combating Homlessness
- Patriotism and Legacy
- Performing Arts
- Protecting Children
The Wade Family Foundation is a 501(C)(3) and is a non-profit arm of Stephen Wade Auto Center. The Wade Family Foundation board consists of Wade family members and employees that meet on a quarterly basis to review applications. Funding will not be provided outside of our geographical area and must meet the needs of the Wade Family Foundation Values.

Funding requests should:
- Go toward an organization that has been granted 501(C)(3) non-profit status by the IRS
- Fall within the geographic area of Southern Utah
- Benefit and fall within the Wade Family Values
- Focus on direct program needs instead of overhead costs such as salaries, rent, utilities, travel, etc.
Wade Family Foundation <strong>Does Not</strong> consider the following:
- Donation of vehicles to individual(s)
- Sports teams (including school, youth, club, competitive, or recreational teams)
- In-kind donations such as items for raffles or silent auctions
- Travel, trips or hotel accommodations (including school, competitions, or athletic trips)
- Pageants
- Political campaigns or capital campaigns
- Funding for individuals including requests for financial assistance due to hardship