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Stephen Wade Auto Center: Giving Back in Southern Utah for Over 25 Years.

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As the calendar turns to fall in Southern Utah, our attentions turn to our community partnership with the Washington County School District Foundation. Each fall as our children head back to school we feel it’s important to help raise money and awareness about the Foundation and the work they do for local children.

We begin with a school supply drive. We donate our own funds and supplies to the Washington County School District Foundation and utilize a portion of our advertising budget to encourage the community to drop off supplies as well.

Often times students don’t have the equipment or the supplies they need for back to school. Just like any technician that needs the correct tools to work on vehicles – students need the correct tools for their education. This year we delivered a truck full of supplies to the school district to add to the Counselor Closet program at the Washington County School District

It’s our way of saying “thank you” to you the people of Southern Utah; the people who made our business so successful.

The St. George Stephen Wade Community

Our Ongoing Community Efforts

We sponsor various programs that include: recreation youth sports, art programs, science programs, school athletic teams, local school clubs and organizations through our Kick4Cash and Shoot4Cash programs. We provide assistance to the Washington County School District Foundation to provide funding for grants that are awarded to teachers to purchase needed equipment for their classrooms. In 2019 we donated more than 60 pumper cars to the school district to use in Elementary schools for children with special needs. We participate and sponsor local sporting events, concerts, festivals, local medical programs, and non-profit organizations.

You can count on the Stephen Wade Auto Center to continue to give back to the community that has allowed us to serve them for over 25 years. Visit our blog to learn about our most recent efforts to give back to our family, friends, and neighbors here in Southern Utah.

What is the Counselor Closet?

The Counselor Closet is full of supplies that children may need throughout the school day while they are away from their parents. Supplies include hygiene supplies, fidget toys, snacks, and more traditional school supplies. Counselors at the schools also assist children with needs like coats, jackets, and shoes. The office staff at each school in Washington County hand out these items to students that need assistance throughout the day. For example, in elementary schools the secretary’s or office staff are the ones that deal with kids that have had accidents and can’t get a hold of their parents. The office staff can then provide a change of clothing so the child is comfortable.

In addition to our School Supply Drive the Stephen Wade Auto Center sponsors a classroom grant program by raising funds through a golf tournament.

Fore The Kids Classic Golf Tournament

This tournament is one of the premier charity golf tournaments in Southern Utah. Golfers love this tournament because of the swag bag, more food than they can eat, and incredible prizes. The golfers receive a $70 gift certificate to the pro shop at The Ledges, their breakfast & lunch is included, and there is something to eat or win at almost every hole and one of the best courses in Southern Utah.

The Fore the Kids Classic Golf Tournament provides funding for items needed directly in the classrooms in Washington County. Most times teachers use their own personal money to buy supplies and/or equipment to assist with the education process. Grants provide funding for microscopes, iPads, books, markers, crayons, camera equipment, software, computer peripherals, art supplies, and so much more.

Last year, through this program, over $90K was awarded to teachers in Washington County to use in the classroom. Every Washington County School District teacher has the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $500. The stipulation for them to receive the money is that the funds must be used for educational equipment or to add value in their classrooms.

And last but not least, every school year, the Stephen Wade Auto Center sponsors the athletic teams at six of our area high schools, Crimson Cliffs, Desert Hills, Dixie, Snow Canyon, Hurricane, and Pine View High Schools.

We also provide additional funds to numerous clubs, athletic teams, and student government and other organizations through our annual Kick4Cash and Shoot4Cash programs.

Kick4Cash and Shoot4Cash

Each school year, the Stephen Wade Auto Center partners with Goldenwest Credit Union and Canyon Media (Fox Sports) to provide a fun halftime show at one home football game at each of our five area high schools. The Kick4Cash promotion gives money to school clubs, organizations, and teams that don’t always receive the funding they need for their programs.

Here’s How it works:

A video is provided to each high school to post to their instagram account and the students and parents have the opportunity to comment on the post with the name of the club they represent. The top three organizations with the highest number of comments will have the opportunity to kick field goals and Kick4Cash during a halftime show to earn up to $500 for their club.

Fore The Kids Classic Golf Tournament

Through all of these efforts combined the Stephen Wade Auto Center donates hundreds of thousands of dollars to our area school children. At Stephen Wade, we know the youth in our community are the future of our community. Through our efforts and donations, we hope to provide them with tools they can utilize to help keep our community thriving and vibrant for decades to come.

Because we are a part of our community, at Stephen Wade we are always looking for ways to help our community. And we can think of no better way to help than to help ensure our children receive the best possible education.

Thank You St. George, UT.

Thanks to the help of the Southern Utah community we were able to assist our area immensely. Together we can make an impact, when we let our community know "You've Got It Made At Stephen Wade" we mean it.

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